
Data Masking Software

What is Ravens?

Ravens, a Data Masking software which automatically resolve any privacy challenge related to sharing and transferring data inside or outside the organisation, without compromising on the quality, authenticity and usability of the data.

Ravens has been developed based on years of experience in data management and data masking, and it is proven to be the most advanced, efficient and cost effective data masking software currently available globally.

What Is Data Masking?

Data masking is the process of hiding sensitive data with modified content

Data masking is used to protect personal identifiable data, personal sensitive data or commercially sensitive data

Key Solution Features



Use Cases

PCI, Data Sovereignty, and other industry regulations are becoming tighter for good reason. The data in your production systems is paramount to the operation of key systems and contain a plethora of personal information that could easily identify individuals and corporations. Data theft of business secrets and identity theft that leaves customers vulnerable at key reasons that your production data systems are so heavily protected. Before that data is moved into less secured areas, where access to the raw data is less regulated or audited, the data needs to be masked. Non-production environments that store copies of production data also do not provide a true audit trail of who has accessed various records – with masking data, there is no need to audit – the personal information of your customer base is completely obfuscated and meaningless to anyone other than your development and testing teams.

When data sovereignty needs to be regulated, Ravens masking will allow safely ship your production to any country for outsourced development and testing, as well as to any cloud in any region. Ravens allows you to take full advantage of cloud elasticity for development and testing, without risking any data theft or breach of regulatory rules.

Using actual production data is by far the most efficient way to truly test advances in your customer platforms – masking provides the only way to use “production like” data in these environments. Making copies of live data sets is necessary for testing and development. Testing on data subsets, developer or tester generated data, or even randomised data generation tools does not provide a true testing platform and results in increased error rates in production, and in inability to true load test and environment. By masking your production data, testers, developers and other technical teams can get a real understanding of how applications and integrations perform against real data – but without exposing your customers to inappropriate access to their personal information.

Data is often copied from production for feeding into data warehouses and data lakes. Masking that data prior to transformation and delivery into those systems provides the highest protection for your customer’s personal information.